Ratings & reviews: character testimonials ⭐️

There's a Chinese saying, "万事开头难," which translates to "everything's hard in the beginning."

As a first-time entrepreneur, I'm immensely grateful for those who've chosen to trust, encourage, and believe in me — even when I struggled to do so myself.

My first retreat guest, a dear friend of 15 years, took a leap of faith, followed by an ex-colleague from a decade ago, a referral from my mom's colleague, and two strangers from the internet.

Launching a business, especially one focused on mental wellness, has been the most challenging thing I’ve done in my life.

Without the support of family and friends, I wouldn't have come this far.

Reflecting on my fearless pursuits in my 20s, I realize that fear and doubt have crept in with age. People would tell me how crazy and unsafe XYZ were, but I just assessed the risks and went ahead anyway:

  • I wanted to backpack around the world, so I quit my job & ended my lease, and did it (twice).

  • I wanted to Airbnb my place, so I welcomed strangers into my home, and became a Super Host and then a Community Lead. 

Someone asked me recently, “What makes your retreat different from others’? How do you know that they’ll have an amazing experience at yours?”

I paused, thought back to my days as an Airbnb host, and said,

“Because I know myself and my standards; all of the details throughout the entire experience — from the moment they look at my listing, message me, check-in, stay, check-out, to the thank you message after their return home — every little thing has been thought through. I just know that their stay with me is going to be the best one, amongst thousands of others out there.”

At first, I was shocked at my own words. But thinking back on my time as guest, at hundreds of Airbnbs, hostels, hotels, and retreat houses throughout my travels, I know what takes an experience from good to extraordinary, no matter how short or long, close or far, luxurious or affordable the trip is.

The years spent on the road, taking notes, interviewing, working and learning throughout ‘the hostel journey’ (which was the handle before @healingjourneyretreats) have led me to this point. Alongside my professional, educational, and life experiences, I am finally here to offer an unforgettable retreat experience.

But none of this would have been possible without the support of my network, whose testimonials speak volumes about my character and dedication:

You can find these reviews on Google maps here:

If we’ve had the pleasure of knowing each other, I'd be honoured if you could leave me a testimonial here!

Looking ahead:

  • Need more retreat details? 🕵️ Find them here.

  • Ready to invest in yourself alongside 6 other amazing women? ✅ Book one of the last 3 spots here.

  • Want to meet other participants or get a taste of the retreat? 🌺 Sign up for a free Meet-up Circle here.

  • Still unsure? 🧑‍💻 Schedule a free discovery call here.


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