Hola from Mexico πŸ‘‹πŸ» and only 3 spots left on the retreat 😱!

A week ago, I touched down in Tulum, Mexico πŸ‡²πŸ‡½, leaving the cloudy world of Toronto, Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ behind!

Let's take a moment to soak in the breathtaking view of the lush forest 🌳 as the plane descended into Cancun during sunset:

A sight like that is truly a balm, especially after enduring a sunless two months!

Stepping out of the airport, the warm air gave my face a much-needed hug. Breathing without feeling the sting of frozen nostrils? Now that's the dream ☺️.

Now, I'm not one for winter; a somewhat paradoxical trait considering my upbringing in northeastern China, where winters can plummet to -30C. But even in the summer, I'd find myself battling hypothermia in unheated outdoor pools. Some bodies are just wired differently. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Being in a warm climate has a magical effect on me, relaxing my jaw, shoulders, and mind.

If I were a plant, I'd be the type that thrives in full sun, with a temperature range of 20~27C all year round.

This is the environment where I bloom.

The next day, I got to check out Dora Resort, the dreamy venue for my upcoming April mental wellness retreat in Mexico 🀩. The photos had me hooked months ago, but witnessing its beauty in person was next level 😍. Head to my Instagram Reels for the full scoop!

Post venue tour, I explored some of the activities and locations planned for the retreat program.

One highlight is a spider monkey sanctuary, nestled in the jungles of Chemuyil and lovingly built 25 years ago by an elderly German couple. The sanctuary is home to over 100 monkeys, each with a name, loved, and exceptionally cared for.

In my past travels to Southeast Asia, I encountered some poorly run sanctuaries that left me feeling confused, sad, and angry. That's why I insisted on visiting this place in person, despite its glowing 5-star reviews. My faith in humanity was restored after witnessing the genuine care provided to these monkeys.

During my conversation with the couple, I couldn't help but get emotional. I spilled about my uni days, working in a lab studying vestibular neurophysiology, and using monkeys to measure gaze control. Quitting that job was the fastest exit in my work history. Seeing the life Ralph (one of the monkeys I met in that lab) could've had here hit me right in the feels.

It’s mind-blowing how calm and relaxed you feel in a place that is doused with love and care. The healing energy I felt there made me think of something I heard recently:

β€œIf you have knowledge about something, then you have a responsibility to share it.”

I stumbled upon this sanctuary while piecing together the retreat experience, and the visit confirmed that it's a perfect fit for our healing journey.

Caught up in the moment and monkey business, I didn’t take any photos. The actual visit during the retreat will let us get up close and personal with some of these playful monkeys. So you might just have to join us in person to experience it! πŸ’

The past few days have been a bit of a whirlwind, settling into our Airbnb in Tulum. It's basically like pulling off a move from home to a new pad – unpacking, getting household items & groceries, booking a scooter for three months, and navigating the lay of the land (La Veleta).

And just when I thought things couldn't get more exciting, I woke up on Monday to find that two more people had signed up for the retreat!

We're now at 5 participants, and depending on room types, there are only up to 3 spots left. So, be sure to secure your spot for this transformative retreat!

Being here in the flesh in Tulum, Mexico, has pumped me full of inspiration and excitement for the retreat ahead! Here's to the upcoming adventure with my fellow healing journeyers! ✨

Now that I'm settled in physically, I can’t wait for the mental dust to settle too, so I can share more of my life and thoughts with you soon. 😌🫢

With love,



What is the mental wellness retreat in Tulum Mexico about?


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